Life does throws us some curve balls; some straighter than others. What is the whole point of putting us through these trying times, Times that define the rest of our lives? Is it to alleviate the otherwise burden that may befall us if everything was rosy?
A friend told me of an interview of this very popular guy and he was crying when asked about marriage; having gone through sexual abuse at the hands of his relatives, it scarred him so much that in his mid-40’s he is yet to get married (not that age has anything to do with it) but for a guy who says he wants it so much I began to ask myself certain questions.
I have never heard of him ‘seeing’ any lady or ‘courting’ any one talk more of getting hitched. The same excuse seems to come up every time he is asked ‘Why?’ ,’The abuse’. I thought to myself, ‘He is not the only one who has been abused in their childhood, and in as much I know that it seriously screws most of them, most do try not to let that moment split their entire existence; BEFORE and AFTER.
I also remember one of the most courageous ladies I have ever met in my entire life; was raped by her dad’s brother from ages 8-13. It did render her emotionally crippled and for a long time all that gave her the will to live was exacting vengeance on the men-folk. She is however, engaged and happy. Now, you may say she found someone that changed her but I beg to differ. I do not think even cupid with all his bows and arrows could make her love someone if she did not work on herself. No matter how much this guy loves her, if she did not start working on herself, walking through the anger, finding another life-worthy reason to live, this guy would not stand a chance. We all know how it feels when the one we love calls us a ‘thousand times’ a day: like a ray of sunshine, and what it feels like when someone we do not love does same: you will wish him to sink in the lagoon!
This now brings me to my question. Do the events in our life have the power to shape us or do we as human beings hold that sole power within us (in our decisions and choices)…
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